
Specific Learning Difficulties, including Dyslexia/ Dyscalculia €600 SpLd review ( of previous diagnosis) with report €250 Specific Language Disorder (onward referral) €600 Very High IQ €600 3rd Level Student Rate for Dyslexia/Dyscalculia €450 Dyspraxia Screening Additional €100 Onward referral to Occupational Therapy Both Dyslexia and Dyscalculia €900 Full DARE Assessment €700 Intellectual Disability (Mild Only) €750 ADHD screening including school observations €800 (requires onward referral) Additional Mental health Screening €150 Additional Adaptive Functioning €120 Consultation - 15 minutes €50 30 minutes €75 Autism Assessment: Includes 2 other professionals Stage I: Screening including school observations with attainments testing €800 without attainment testing €650 Stage II: Autism Diagnostic Interview - Revised ( ADI - R) €500 Stage III: Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Diagnostic Report €750 Functional Behavior Data Tracking is variable. All assessments include comprehensive reports.

Assessment and Evaluation

Comprehensive testing and evaluation to identify learning difficulties and create individualized plans.

Parent Consultation

Guidance and support to parents in understanding their child's educational and emotional needs.